Community Announcements

5th November 2014
St Gabriel’s Volunteering
Attention Year 9-12 students!

Join us in helping to wrap.  If you’d like to get into the Christmas spirit and help raise funds for St Gabriel’s School, you can join our merry troupe of parcel wrappers.

·         Two hour shifts are available each day from Monday, 8 December- Wednesday, 24 December 2014.  Rostered time slots are 10am-4pm (and until 9pm on late night shopping Thursdays).
·         Maximum of three people on the stand at once.

For more details please telephone Jo Biggs on 9634 2367 or email

More info below: 

22nd October 2014
Cinderella the Musical

22nd October 2014
Packemin's production of  'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat'

22nd October 2014
Sydney Hills Youth Choir

22nd October 2014

22nd October 2014
Second Hand Text Books

9th September 2014

The Hills Barbarians

9th September 2014

A message from St Michaels

30th July 2014

e-Learning update: new internet settings effective 28th July

On 28th July we had a major update to our internet access at Gilroy that is representative of a CEO-wide change that will improve the filtering of internet content.

The technical team have been preparing for this update by arranging methods of automatically updating devices – this was done through the installation of Self Service software on both iPads and laptops for students and staff. Moving forward any additional updates that devices require will be automated, meaning that students will not have to physically or individually see Techies for updates on their devices!

With anything new we do expect some teething problems, but with a technical support team so experienced and readily available the new network settings are not “an excuse” for interrupted learning.

As always, students can see Techies directly with individual difficulties or you can contact with any questions in regard to the network updates.

Monique Dalli – Leader of e-Learning

30th July 2014


One of the biggest challenges to teenagers in today’s society is using technology, and in particular social media, appropriately and safely. There has been such a paradigm shift in the way that teenagers interact with the world around them, that it can be very hard for us as teachers and parents to keep pace. Previously we could protect children by keeping them away from those aspects of life and society that we didn’t feel they were ready for, by actions such as keeping them at home after certain hours and monitoring whom they spent their time with, but today’s technology invites the world into our homes.

The issue I want to address in this article is the activity known as ‘sexting’, as I have had questions from several parents around this. It is a serious concern as the risks, both personal and legal, to students who engage in this activity are considerable. Sexting refers to the use of a communication device, such as a phone, tablet or computer, to send nude or suggestive images of yourself to another person.

As, when we are referring to teenagers, these are images of persons under the age of 18, they are in breach of Child Pornography laws. A person who sends a nude or semi-nude image of a person under the age of 18 can be charged with distributing child pornography even if it is an image of themself. A person who has these images on their communication device can be charged with possessing child pornography. As these issues are a breach of the law, offenders can be charged under the Child Protection Act and as such risk being placed on the sex offenders’ register.

Another major concern is that once an image is placed online, it never goes away. It has the potential to come back and haunt the person in the future. Many young people have suffered enormous emotional trauma as a result of online images and in the worst cases, it has been a major factor in youth suicides.

The question we need to ask ourselves is, “What can we do?”.

As a school we:
·      continue to have staff attend professional learning about cybersafety issues.
·      educate students about the risks of these behaviours through our Pastoral program, PDHPE classes and Integrated Learning classes. I would suggest you watch the following 60 Minutes clip that we discuss in our Pastoral program:
·      monitor student laptops and iPads. Any devices found to contain inappropriate images will be confiscated and referred to Castle Hill Police as outlined in our Sexting Policy.

As a parent you can:
·      have regular open discussions with your child about these issues.
·      monitor your child’s online interaction. Check the photos they have stored on their phones as the school is unable to monitor student phones.
·      do not, under any circumstances, allow your child to have a communication device in their bedroom. If they say they need to use the alarm on their phone, buy them an alarm clock.
·      communicate with the school about any concerns.

Mr Michael Finucane

Leader of Welfare

Edmodo Guide For Parents
What is Edmodo?
Edmodo is the online learning platform that we use at Gilroy. Mostly it is used for:
·      Communication outside of class hours (for example: asking questions about work that is due)
·      Uploading resources for students to download and use in class
·      Copies and submission of assessments, homework, class notes and important announcements.

Why do we use Edmodo?
Edmodo is free for students and teachers, it is accessible on a laptop, iPad or mobile device. It is a safe and efficient way for students and teachers to communicate. Due to timetabling, there can be numerous days in between classes, so questions and announcements can be posted allowing for an efficient classroom.

How do parents use Edmodo?
Parents can use Edmodo to snoop on their children! This is a great way to see what they are expected to do in classes (assessments, class tasks and homework). Edmodo is used in addition to school diaries, daily announcements and calendars so that we have an echoed mode of notices, tasks and deadlines. Teenagers need lots of reminders!

Parents have TWO options for joining:
1.       Sign up using - you will need a “PARENT CODE”. This can be obtained by asking ANY class teacher or emailing Miss Dalli (
·      THIS OPTION allows you to VIEW assignments, submitted tasks, calendar dates and only posts your child has made.

2.       Sign in using your child’s username/password on your mobile device after downloading the app from the iTunes or GooglePlay store.
·      THIS OPTION allows you to view ALL posts and communication in every group your child belongs to.

BOTH of these options are intended for you as a parent to use as an observer, so you can get a better understanding of what work is happening in classrooms and anything you may need to do to support your child’s learning.

Using Edmodo in this way can be SUPER HANDY for those conversations where you ask “Is there any homework you could be doing?” and your gut instinct knows that the “No” response is not entirely accurate J

How to use the Edmodo app as a parent:
When you are signed in as your child, you are using their account. This enables you to see ALL communications in all class groups.

·      All posts and messages appear under the POSTS icon as a chronological feed for every class group (newest posts first).

·      GRADEBOOK is used by some class teachers as a way of marking work that is submitted online.

·      GROUPS (classes) can be viewed individually by selecting the “groups” icon.

·      NOTIFICATIONS are replies and posts for your child. You need not check or reply to these.

As a parent, the most relevant and valuable information on Edmodo is seen under POSTS.

Using the Truancy Call system!

The Truancy Call system is automated to send out a call or text message when your child is marked as absent.

You can respond to these messages in a number of ways:
·      Sending a text message in reply to the automated text message
·      Ringing the school directly
·      Following the prompts from the automated call to leave a voicemail

Please note: YOU CANNOT SEND A TEXT MESSAGE TO A PREVIOUS DAYS ABSENTEE TEXT. The message comes through to the computer according to the DATE stamp and won’t be received. If you wish to text message for an absence, you must first wait for the message to be delivered to you to reply.

If you have any queries, please contact the College for more information.
Parents who have supplied their email address to the College receive a reminder email whenever a new edition of The Loop is published.

Are you on our email list?

If you would like to be a part of this mailing list, please email your contact details to Trish Williams, via the College email:

Thank you 

To the Gilroy Catholic College Council

Some of you may have heard that the latest generous gift on behalf of the Gilroy Catholic College Parent Council is the new huge fans, which have been installed in the College Hall.

These fans are a very welcome addition in our hall, which can become intolerably hot and stuffy in the warm weather.

Both staff and students truly appreciate this gift from the parents of Gilroy. 

Thank you!

To Outback Steakhouse 

Another special thank you to Outback Steakhouse who provided the entire school with lunch on Gilroy Day. It was an absolutely delicious lunch and we appreciate the fact that the whole team were here on the day to help the Gilroy community celebrate Gilroy Day in style!

14th May 2014 

From the Gilroy Community....... 

Parking at Gilroy Catholic College

It has become necessary to remind parents that parking in the Staff Carpark is not permitted between 8:00-9:00am and 2:45-3:30pm. Parents are also not to drop off or pick up students in this carpark area. This is a matter of safety for staff, students and other community members. We would appreciate all parents cooperating with this request. Thank you.

26th March 2014 
From the Gilroy Community...

Community Service Opportunities for Gilroy students

·      St. Michael’s Church Community Service opportunities:
The St Michael’s Youth Minister, Jeremiah Wilkes, runs a youth group called ‘Elevate’. He believes that students in Years 10-12 would be suitable volunteers to help run a younger ‘Elevate’ group. He suggested it would be good if students could accumulate their community service hours for a few weeks of work there. He is very enthusiastic about it! Phone 9639 0598 for further information.

·      Childcare community service:
There is a childcare centre in Norwest called ‘Explore and Develop Norwest’. They would be happy to support kids in offering community service opportunities. Students just need to call and talk to Denise (the manager) on 8883 0522 and organise a time and date. It would be good for people who love children!!!
It would just involve playing with the kids and being a helping hand in the centre.
Address: 308/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista NSW 2153.

·      Swimming teachers needed:
We need volunteers every second Friday to help set up for swimming races and timekeeping for the races. Now, here’s the thing: it’s three hours worth of community service (which is a lot!!). However, the positions are limited to 3 people.
Please call Daniel Stirba in Year 11 on 0422 263 871 if you are interested.

·      AFL volunteers:
The President of the Baulkham Hills Hawks AFL club needs volunteers to help around the club for community service hours. She would love some volunteers on a Sunday morning at the Charles McLaughlin Oval to help set up, work in the canteen etc. It would help the club so much as they are very short of volunteers. Here are the contact details: 
Kim Roughan,,
0419 356 872.

·      Local Vinnies stores:
St Vincent de Paul are always looking for as many people as possible to help out at every store. You need to be at least 16 years of age or in Year 10 to volunteer. There are Vinnies stores in Castle Hill and Baulkham Hills who will be prepared to have students working there as shop assistants for community service hours. You can also have a look at the St Vincent de Paul website as there are many other jobs you can volunteer for.
For more information phone 9568 0262.

The Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register

The Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register is hosted by the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children and is supported by Vision Australia and Guide Dogs. It is the first national register of children in Australia with vision impairment. The Register has been collecting data since 2009, and this data is providing important information about the types of eye disease and vision disorders children have and the support they need. The data is also used by service providers and researchers. Data is stored securely and no child can be identified in any way when the data is released.

Families are invited to register their child (aged 0-18 years) if they have vision impairment in both eyes which has been diagnosed by an eye specialist or ophthalmologist. Registration can be completed by contacting Register staff on (02) 9872 0303, or by visiting the VI Family Network website at: The website also provides information on eyes and vision; family support; education and related issues; braille and low vision aids; technology supporting vision impairment; newsletters from Australian low vision agencies and support groups, useful websites; and news and events that might interest families across Australia.

Sue Silveira Research Fellow, Renwick Centre
Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children
(02) 9872 0248

12th March 2014

From the Rest of the Community... 

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